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About Us

The Friendly Bay Islander is developing its Better Island Business section in our popular magazine to unite island business and to encourage islanders to “shop and spend’ on our islands.

All regular advertisers in the magazine will automatically become Members of Better Island Business.

We will be reaching out to all our advertisers with a new website providing help and encouragement to work with their fellow advertisers.

By working together, we believe island business can improve business activity between ourselves and the community.

With this in mind, we will be asking our advertisers via Better Island Business to offer a DISCOUNT or INCENTIVE to fellow members only.

With nearly 150 regular advertisers, having that many businesses working together to encourage business amongst each other, will have a significant impact.


And to help improve your message to the islands, The Friendly Bay Islander will be offering a whole new direction in advertising via our online radio station Radio FBI.


It is an exciting time on our islands at the present time and a unique chance to receive benefits, incentives and business growth, just by being connected in this very unique way!



All members of BETTER ISLAND BUSINESS are encouraged to offer BUSINESS or DISCOUNT INCENTIVES to fellow members to encourage business amongst fellow advertisers. It may be a regular discount of a special purchase price or an incentive of another kind. Think about what you would like to offer your fellow business operator to encourage them to do even more business with you? We will be contacting each of you to discuss potential discounts you may wish t offer.



Business on our group of islands has always found it difficult to work together in unison. There has been no group or organisation that has ever had the reach and connectivity needed to move business forward to any significant degree. This body now exists in a collective of advertisers of The Friendly Bay Islander and now Radio FBI. Better Island Business will be a chance for business to receive benefits, incentives and growth, by being connected in a very unique way!



This website, the columns of the Friendly Bay Islander and Radio FBI we will be encouraging islanders to ’shop and do business LOCALLY.

We will be providing Business participants (our advertisers with exclusive information that is relevant to business on our islands. This will happen via this website and emails.

This  websitewill provide the very best information possible to enhance your business prospects, receive support, and improve results.


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